If the sea life is not as interesting to you, maybe the rainforest habitat will spark more interest. Otherwise it's not a bad game, maybe just a bit too silly with the story it wants to tell, but then again, we all need a bit of fantasy now and then. Maybe a bit too preachy a game, so maybe for kids, but then again, if you love undersea life and fantastical stories, this might entice you as well. Technically it's all done in Sierra age and style point and click, so if you're familiar with that kind of controls you'll feel at home here too. Region : Unknown Genre : Adventure Download : 455. By way of the magic of games (and suspension of disbelief!) you'll follow him under the sea and will find out more about what needs to be done here, as lots of work is required there are. ECOQUEST 1: THE SEARCH FOR CETUS rom for DOS (Ms-Dos) and play ECOQUEST 1: THE SEARCH FOR CETUS on. But, hey, this is no ordinary dolphin turns out it can actually talk and it can transport you (and want to do it!) to his ocean city. There, one of your first adventures will be to befriend a dolphin. In fact, after you start the game, you are travelling to a new city. Anyway, you, Adam, the protagonist is a kid that loves animals. The game also has an added mild humor element with interesting characters like Gregarious and Superfluous, who are fishes with attitudes.I wouldn't say that this game is your proper edutainment suite, but it sure tries to educate, without a doubt, and, to a point it makes a case. It educates about the threats the sea creatures face due to human activities. Even if the game has many fantastical elements, the game consists of a treasure trove of information, with a realistic representation of real life marine creatures and habitation.

Eco Quest 1 CD Version - The Search for Cetus, 1991. You can use the mouse to point click and take action to interact with your surroundings either to a character or an object. Some of their more recognizable games are Mystery House, Kings Quest, Space Quest Leisure Suit. As he is a well-qualified diver, you go with the dolphin to help Eluria.ĮcoQuest - The Search for Cetus has a gameplay that allows you to take certain actions like ""Look"", ""Use"", ""Talk"", etc. The dolphin informs you that the underwater world of Eluria is in danger. Delphinus is the name of the Dolphin and he is the Whale king Cetus's messenger. The Search for Cetus« is one of the first digital games to focus on nature conservation.

You become closer to the dolphin and discover that it can talk. The dolphin is placed in the swimming pool of your home to rehabilitate it before letting it go back to the ocean. You and Noah rescue a dolphin that was entangled in an abandoned fishing net.

You are a 12-year-old boy called Adam, the son of Noah Green a famous ecologist. These games are educational adventure games that help children learn as they play. EcoQuest - The Search for Cetus is the first installment of the EcoQuest series.